thought it would be helpful for my senior clients to write a comprehensive blog post about:

best time of year for oregon senior pictures

best locations for oregon senior pictures

why its important to book your session in advance

let's get started with the best time of year for oregon senior pictures.
i would say the most sought after time of year for oregon senior pictures is the summertime - we have less rain and more sunshine. but the best time of year for your oregon senior pictures will depend more on your vision for your session.
late spring and summertime are best if you want sunshine and wildflowers.

late summertime and fall are best if you want a river, wheat fields, or more oranges and yellows.

wintertime and early spring are best if you want moody, foggy, mossy, green vibes.

springtime is best if you want loads of green, green hills, and some flowers.

next up, the best locations for oregon senior pictures.
you will hear me talk about your vision for your session because that is so important and with the best locations for oregon senior pictures it will depend on your vision for your session. with that said, here are some of my favorite locations for oregon senior pictures.
portland - love me a city vibe in downtown or St johns neighborhood. you also can't go wrong with forest park or a rose garden.

two favorite areas along the oregon coast: a couple spots near cannon beach and one near lincoln city.

willamette valley: some favorite spots near Corvallis, salem, and monmouth area.

last, why you should book your oregon senior pictures in advance

lastly, when it comes to booking your session, i often have seniors reaching out at the last minute and do my absolute best to accommodate when i can but my availability continues to become more limited. so, you know you want wildflowers for your session, then you likely need to have your session before your senior year in late spring of your junior year or the summer before senior year. consider your vision for your session and take a look at the best time of year for your vision. and if you are ready to book your session with me and create magic, click on the link below!